路由协议是计算机网络中用于确定数据包从源节点到目的节点的路径的协议,在众多路由协议中,RIP(Routing Information Protocol,路由信息协议)是一种广泛使用的内部网关协议(IGP),主要用于中等规模的企业网络,本文将详细介绍RIP协议的特点、工作原理以及配置方法。
1. 简单高效
RIP协议采用了距离向量(Distance Vector,简称DR)算法,这是一种简单且高效的路由选择方法,DR算法通过计算数据包在不同路径上的跳数(即距离)来选择最佳路径,与其他IGP协议相比,RIP协议具有较低的计算复杂度和较小的内存占用。
2. 可扩展性好
3. 可靠性高
4. 收敛速度快
1. 路由器发现
2. 路由选择
3. 路由汇总
1. 系统视图模式
在进入路由器配置模式后,输入`configure terminal`命令进入系统视图模式,在此模式下,可以对全局参数进行配置,如接口IP地址、子网掩码等,接下来,需要启用RIP协议并指定其进程ID(默认为181),输入以下命令:
router rip enable [process-id]
interface [interface-type interface-number] ip address [ip-address network-mask] [subnet-gateway]
其中[interface-type interface-number]为接口类型和编号,如GigabitEthernet0/0;[ip-address network-mask]为接口IP地址和子网掩码;[subnet-gateway]为子网掩码对应的默认网关地址。
interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address
2. 访问控制列表(ACL)配置
ip access-list standard ROUTE_LIST permit [source-address] any [destination-address] any [classify-first-half] [classify-second-half] [protocol] [action] [description] [log] [next-hop-table] [next-hop-self] [no auto-summary] [no log name] [no shutdown] [no line-tag in] [no line-tag out] [no line-tag both] [no route tag in] [no route tag out] [no route tag both] [no route update] [no prefix list update] [no metric update] [no history track] [no history age limit] [no history maximum age] [no history size limit] [no history no track name] [no history no track age limit] [no history no track maximum age] [no history no track size limit] [no history no track no track name] [no history no track no track age limit] [no history no track no track maximum age] [no history no track no track size limit] [no history no track no track no track name] [no history no track no track no track age limit] [no history no track no track no track maximum age] [no history no track no track no track size limit] [no history no track no track no track no track name] [no history no track no track no track no track age limit] [no history no track no track no track no track maximum age] [no history no track no track no track no track size limit] [no history no track no track no track no track no track name] [no history no track no track no track no track no track age limit] [no history no track no track no track no track no track maximum age] [no history no trace off|on|both|none|in|out|both|in and out|in and out and out|in and out and none|in and out and both|in and out and both and none|in and out and both and both|in and out and both and both and none|in and out and both and both and both|in and out and both and both and both and none|in and out and both and both and both and both|in and out and both and both and both and both and none|in and out and both and both and both and both and both|in and out and both and both and both and both and both|in and out |out |both |none ], then do #[access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address |access-group ROUTE_LIST inbound add interface GigabitEthernet0/0 source address