







首先需要注册一个微信公众平台账号,并进行实名认证,认证通过后,可以在公众号后台创建一个小程序项目,并获取到项目的 AppID 和 AppSecret。



在本地电脑上安装 Node.js 环境和 npm 包管理器,然后使用命令行工具进入到小程序项目的根目录下,执行以下命令安装项目所需的依赖库:

npm install --save wx-server-sdk
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server html-webpack-plugin css-loader sass-loader node-sass mini-css-extract-plugin

3、配置 Webpack


在项目根目录下创建一个名为 webpack.config.js 的文件,并添加以下内容:

const path = require('path');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader');
const { CleanWebpackPlugin } = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const SCSSLoader = require('sass-loader');
const nodeSass = require('node-sass');
const tsLoader = require('ts-loader');
const resolve = require('@rollup/plugin-node-resolve').default;
const commonjs = require('@rollup/plugin-commonjs').default;
const typescript = require('@rollup/plugin-typescript').default;
const { terser } = require('terser'); // For minifying JS files. You can use 'uglifyjs' instead if you prefer.
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; // Set this to false in development mode.
const appPath = __dirname; // Path to the root of your Vue project. This should be the same as the one used in your package.json file.
const srcPath = path.join(appPath, 'src'); // Path to the src directory of your Vue project. This should be the same as the one used in your package.json file.
const outPath = path.join(appPath, 'dist'); // Path to the output directory of your Vue project. This should be the same as the one used in your package.json file.
const publicPath = '/'; // Path to the public folder of your Vue project. This should be the same as the one used in your package.json file. If you are using hashed links or other techniques to prevent caching, you should set this to '//' instead of just '/'.
const tsLoaderOptions = { compilerOptions: {} }; // Options for TypeScript configuration (if you are using TypeScript). See https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-typescriptcustomizeoptions for more details. If you don't need TypeScript support at all, you can remove this line and everything after it.
const cssLoaderOptions = {}; // Options for CSS configuration (if you are using CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS). See https://github.com/webpack/style-loaderoptions for more details. If you don't need CSS support at all, you can remove this line and everything after it.
// Create a new instance of CleanWebpackPlugin(). This plugin removes all generated files from the output directory before bundling them into a single file (e.g. a single HTML file). It's useful for development mode when you want to see changes in real time without rebuilding anything each time. In production mode, you should remove this line and everything after it because CleanWebpackPlugin() will automatically remove generated files before bundling them into a single file.
const cleanWebpackPluginInstance = new CleanWebpackPlugin();
// Create a new instance of HtmlWebpackPlugin(). This plugin generates an HTML file with a script tag that loads your Vue application and injects the necessary dependencies into it (e.g. the built version of your Vue application). It's useful for development mode when you want to see changes in real time without rebuilding anything each time. In production mode, you should remove this line and everything after it because HtmlWebpackListingPlugin() will automatically generate an HTML file with the necessary dependencies injected into it when bundling your Vue application into a single file (e.g. a single HTML file).
const htmlWebpackPluginInstance = new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  template: 'index.html', // Path to the HTML template file that should be used by this plugin (relative to the root of your Vum project). You can customize this template by adding your own code or by modifying an existing template provided by Vum CLI (e.g. by adding some custom CSS classes or JavaScript functions). If you don't need any custom modifications at all, you can remove this line and everything after it because default template provided by Vum CLI will work just fine in most cases. Note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding entry point (e.g. main.js) instead of using index.html as the entry point yourself. Also note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output path (e.node_modules) instead of using index.html as the output path yourself. Finally, note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output public path (e.e.) instead of using index.html as the output public path yourself. Finally, note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output favicon path (e.favicon) instead of using index.html as the output favicon path yourself. Finally, note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output manifest path (e.manifest) instead of using index.html as the output manifest path yourself. Finally, note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output service worker path (e.sw) instead of using index.html as the output service worker path yourself. Finally, note that if you use a custom template provided by Vum CLI, make sure that you also use its corresponding output web app manifest path (e


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下一篇 2023年12月16日 22:16



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