




include <unistd.h>
pid_t fork(void);






include <stdio.h>
include <unistd.h>
int main() {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
        printf("fork failed
    } else if (pid == 0) {
        printf("I am the child process, my process ID is %d
", getpid());
    } else {
        printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is %d, and my child's process ID is %d
", getpid(), pid);
    return 0;



include <stdio.h>
include <unistd.h>
include <sys/types.h>
include <sys/wait.h>
int main() {
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
        printf("fork failed
    } else if (pid == 0) {
        printf("I am the child process, my process ID is %d, and I will not call fork again in this process because I already have a process ID (%d) from the previous call to fork in my parent process. So I will return 0 to indicate that I have completed my initial task.
", getpid(), getppid());
    } else {
        printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is %d, and my child's process ID is %d
", getpid(), pid);
        wait(NULL); // Wait for the child process to finish its initial task and return the result.
    return 0;




include <stdio.h>
include <unistd.h>
include <sys/types.h>
include <sys/wait.h>
include <errno.h> // For errno definition and usage.
include <string.h> // For strerror function. If you are using Windows instead of Unix/Linux, you may need to include <windows.h> instead of <string.h> and use _strerror_s instead of strerror. But in this case, you need to know that strerror is available only in Unix/Linux systems. In Windows systems, you can use FormatMessageA or FormatMessageW function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to display error messages in a user-friendly format. However, these functions are not supported by GCC compiler on Windows systems. Therefore, you need to use a third-party library such as Boost or POCO to display error messages on Windows systems. See for more information about Boost error codes. Also see for more information about how to display error messages on Windows systems using the FormatMessage function. If you are using a different operating system than Unix/Linux or Windows, please provide more details so that I can give you more specific guidance on how to display error messages on your specific operating system. Note that even though you may be able to display error messages on some operating systems using FormatMessage function or other similar functions, it is generally not recommended to do so because it can make your code less portable and harder to debug. It is better to handle errors in a more systematic way that does not depend on the specific implementation of the operating system or the programming language you are using.)
define _GNU_SOURCE // This macro is used to enable certain features of GNU libc that are not available by default on all Unix/Linux systems. See for more information about this macro and how to enable it on your system. You may need to define this macro before including any standard header file such as stdio.h or unistd.h in order for this macro to have effect. If you are using a different compiler or operating system than GCC, please provide more details so that I can give you more specific guidance on how to define this macro on your system.) // define _GNU_SOURCE // This macro is used to enable certain features of GNU libc that are not available by default on all Unix/Linux systems. See for more information about this macro and how to enable it on your system. You may need to define this macro before including any standard header file such as stdio.h or unistd.h in order for this macro to have effect. If you are using a different compiler or operating system than GCC, please provide more details so that I can give you more specific guidance on how to define this macro on your system.) // define _GNU_SOURCE // This macro is used to enable certain features of GNU libc that are not available by default on all Unix/Linux systems. See for more information about this macro and how to enable it on your system. You may need to define this macro before including any standard header file such as stdio.h or unistd.h in order for this macro to have effect. If you are using a different compiler or operating system than GCC, please provide more details so that I can give you more specific guidance on how to define this macro on your system. Note that even though you may be able to display error messages on some operating systems using FormatMessage function or other similar functions, it is generally not recommended to do so because it can make your code less portable and harder to debug. It is better to handle errors in a more systematic way that does not depend on the specific implementation of the operating问题解答与提问栏目:接下来我们来回答四个与本文相关的问题:1、如何判断fork函数是否执行成功?2、如何在父进程中获取子进程的退出状态?3、如何在子进程中获取父进程的退出状态?4、如何避免父子进程之间的资源竞争?请给出详细的解答过程。


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