linux monitor


Monit是一个用于监控和管理Linux系统的工具,它可以检查各种系统和服务的状态,确保它们按照预期运行,Monit最初是为Sun Solaris操作系统开发的,后来被移植到了其他类Unix系统,如Linux,Monit提供了一个简单的文本界面,可以轻松地配置和监控系统服务。



linux monitor


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install monit


sudo yum install monit

3、在Arch Linux中,使用以下命令安装Monit:

sudo pacman -S monit



set global debug = true
set global logfile /var/log/monit.log
set daemon logfile /var/log/monit.err
set server port 2812 username "your_username" password "your_password" protocol ssh check host memcached 60 timeout 10 interval 2 start delay 200



linux monitor

sudo service monit start


1、check:指定要执行的检查命令,对于Apache Web服务器,可以使用check process httpd with pidfile /var/run/

2、start delay:指定在启动服务之前等待的时间(以秒为单位),这有助于避免在系统刚刚启动时立即开始监控服务。



5、command:指定用于检查服务状态的命令,对于MySQL数据库,可以使用command mysqladmin status.



linux monitor




set global reload atmost 10 within 5 seconds of any change for 10 times total in any 5-second period of time check process my_service with pidfile /var/run/ stop program="killall my_service" if failed then reload else start program="systemctl start my_service" if failed then restart else start program="systemctl enable my_service" if failed then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restart end if and stop program="systemctl stop my_service" end if and command="/usr/bin/pgrep my_service" end if and exec program="/usr/bin/monit" end if and keepalive=true for 10 seconds of any change then restartendif


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