
在这篇文章中,我们将探讨如何查看你的电脑是否符合安装Windows 11的系统要求,Windows 11作为微软最新的操作系统,带来了许多新的功能和改进,但同时也有一些硬件和软件上的限制,在继续之前,请确保你已经备份了所有重要的文件和数据,以防万一。

我们需要了解Windows 11的主要系统要求,根据微软官方的说明,以下是安装Windows 11所需的最低系统配置:




3、显卡:DirectX 12兼容显卡,支持WDDM 2.0驱动程序










4、在右侧的详细信息中,查看你的处理器型号和主频,对于Intel处理器,主频应大于等于1.8GHz;对于AMD处理器,主频应大于等于3.0GHz,检查是否有TPM 2.0模块。

5、如果以上条件都满足,那么你的处理器应该可以运行Windows 11,请继续检查其他硬件要求。






wmic cpu get name, maxclockspeed | findstr /R "^[A-Z]" >nul && (wmic cpu get name & maxclockspeed | findstr /R "^[A-Z]") 2>nul && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get DriverVersion >> nul || echo Driver not installed) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Name >> nul || echo Video controller not installed) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get SupportedRAM >> nul || echo Not enough RAM) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Vendor >> nul || echo Video card not installed) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get AdapterRAM >> nul || echo Not enough video memory) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get HorizontalResolution >> nul || echo Not a high resolution screen) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get VerticalResolution >> nul || echo Not a high resolution screen) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get RefreshRate >> nul || echo Refresh rate not supported) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get BitsPerPixel >> nul || echo Not a color depth of at least 32 bits per pixel) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get InterfaceType >> nul || echo Not a supported video interface type) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get ID >> nul || echo Not a supported video adapter) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Name >> nul || echo Not a supported video controller) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get PCISlotDescription >> nul || echo Not a PCI slot available for the video controller) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get PCIBus >> nul || echo No PCI bus available for the video controller) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get PCIDeviceID >> nul || echo No PCI device available for the video controller) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Status >> nul || echo Video controller status not supported) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Manufacturer >> nul || echo Video card manufacturer not supported) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get Product >> nul || echo Video card product not supported) && (wmic path Win32_VideoController get SerialNumber >> nul || echo Video card serial number not supported) && (wmic path Win32_VideoDriver get Version >> nul || echo Video driver not installed) && (wmic path Win32_VideoDriver get FileName >> nul || echo Video driver not installed) && (wmic path Win32_VideoDriver get Provider >> nul || echo Video driver provider not installed) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get DriverVersion >> nul || echo Audio driver not installed) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Name >> n处理符 || echo Audio controller not installed) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get SupportedRAM >> n处理符 || echo Not enough RAM) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Vendor >> n处理符 || echo Audio card not installed) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get AdapterRAM >> n处理符 || echo Not enough audio memory) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Frequency >> n处理符 || echo Audio frequency not supported) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Resolution >> n处理符 || echo Audio resolution not supported) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get BitsPerSample >> n处理符 || echo Not a sample size of at least 8 bits per sample) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Channels >> n处理符 || echo Not a channel count of at least two channels) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get InterfaceType >> n处理符 || echo Not an audio interface type supported by the audio controller) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get ID >> n处理符 || echo Not an audio adapter available for the audio controller) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Name >> n处理符 || echo Not an audio controller available for the audio driver) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get PCISlotDescription >> n处理符 || echo Not a PCI slot available for the audio controller) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get PCIBus >> n处理符 || echo No PCI bus available for the audio controller) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get PCIDeviceID >> n处理符 || echo No PCI device available for the audio controller) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Status >> n处理符 || echo Audio controller status not supported) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Manufacturer >> n处理符 || echo Audio card manufacturer not supported) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get Product >> n处理符 || echo Audio card product not supported) && (wmirc path Win32_AudioController get SerialNumber >> n处理符 || echo Audio card serial number not supported) && (wmiocpath winlogon get LocalAccount --> Domain --> FullName | findstr 'Administrator' >n处理符 & if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' goto errormessage & wmic process where "name='explorer.exe'" call createprocess('"C:\Program Files\WindowsAppsMicrosoft.WindowsDesktop\shell\open\command"' "explorer.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE | SW_MINIMIZE | SW_SHOWNORMAL, NULL, NULL); exit; errormessage: do set errorlevel=1& pause>n处理符 & set errorlevel=0& timeout /t 5>n处理符 & del "%temp%\*.vbs" >n处理符 & pause>n处理符 & ECHO The system has detected that your current configuration does not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11 and cannot install Windows 11 on this computer. Please contact your system administrator or the software vendor to obtain a new installation of Windows 11 with updated system requirements. If you continue to receive this message after updating your system, please contact Microsoft Customer Support for further assistance.


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