

SELinux(Security-Enhanced Linux)是一种基于强制访问控制(MAC)的Linux内核安全模块,它提供了一种更加灵活和强大的安全策略,通过限制进程和文件的权限来保护系统免受攻击,SELinux最初是由美国国家安全局(NSA)开发的,后来成为Linux发行版的标准安全模块之一。














SELinux state:SELinux的状态,如Enabled(已启用)、Disabled(已禁用)等。

SELinux type:SELinux的安全上下文类型,如targeted(目标模式)、minimum(最小模式)等。

SELinux domain path:SELinux的安全域路径,用于区分不同的安全区域。

SELinux root directory:SELinux的根目录,存储安全策略相关的配置文件。

SELinux version:SELinux的版本号。





sudo cp /etc/selinux/config /etc/selinux/config.bak


sudo vi /etc/selinux/config





This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
    enforcing SELinux security policy is enforced.
    permissive SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
    disabled No SELinux policy is loaded.
SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three values: targeted, minimum, generalized.
    targeted Targeted processes are protected, while non-targeted processes are not.
    minimum Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.  Ignored if SELINUXTYPE=targeted.
    generalized Generalized process labeling. All processes are labeled with the same level of priority. Ignored if SELINUXTYPE=targeted or minimum.
SELINUXDOMAIN= can only be set if SELINUXTYPE=targeted. Specifies the SELinux domain to use. For targetted policy type, value can be local or global. If local, must match LC_ALL set locally. If global, must match LC_ALL in lxc container. To use a global domain, run "selinit --localstatedir=/usr/share/selinux/state --loadpolicyglobal" first. If this variable is set to "targeted", the IDs specified for ALL targets will be used (e.g. httpd_t). If this variable is set to "min", the IDs for all targeted processes (IDs of httpd processes) will be used (e.g. httpd_t). If this variable is set to "gen", no specific IDs will be used and all processes will be labeled with the generic category (e.g. httpd_t). To see more information check help semanage-tm. If the LC_ALL variable is not set to LANG=C or LANG=POSIX, then this may also be set to the value of LC_ALL (e.g. en_US.UTF-8). To use a local domain, run "selinit --localstatedir=/usr/share/selinux/state --loadpolicylocal" first. Note that the default value for this variable is "targeted". Once changed, this cannot be changed back to its previous value. Refer to help semanage-tm for details. If you do not specify an SELinux domain, the targetted policy mode will be enabled for your system. In that case, you must specify the target package names for which you want to enable targetted policy mode using 'target' option in 'selpolicytarget' command (e.g. 'selpolicytarget httpd_t'). See help semanage-tm for details on target package management options. You can also view current target packages by running "semanage target -l" command. To disable enforcement of targeted policy mode for your system, you need to remove the target package name from the above mentioned command output using 'grep' command (e.g. "selpolicytarget | grep -v httpd"). Then you can reenable it later using 'selpolicytarget' command as shown below: 'selpolicytarget -a httpd_t' (e.g. 'selpolicytarget -a httpd_t'). Note that once you have targeted policy mode enabled for your system, you cannot switch back to general mode without removing the target packages from your system first (e.g. by running 'semanage target -d' command). To learn more about SELinux configuration options and their effects on system behavior, refer to help selinuxconfig(8). To view the current status of SELinux on your system, run "sestatus" command as described above in section A.3 of this answer. To view the version of SELinux on your system, run "seversion" command as described above in section A.4 of this answer. To troubleshoot problems associated with SELinux policy enforcement on your system, refer to help semanage-tm and man8 selinuxadm(8). For more advanced users who wish to customize their system behavior according to their needs, please consult the manual pages of various commands related to SELinux such as semanage-tm(8), semodule(5), seconfdefs(5), etc. For example, you can use these commands to define custom security policies or modules that extend the functionality of SELinux beyond its default settings. Please note that modifying the configuration files mentioned above may cause unexpected behavior or other issues on your system, so make sure to back up your configuration files before making any changes and test them thoroughly after making any changes. If you encounter any problems or have questions regarding SELinux configuration or usage, please refer to the documentation provided by the Linux distribution vendor or contact their support team for assistance.


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