


1、Ceph Monitor(监视器):负责维护集群状态信息,如OSD的状态、PG的状态等。


2、Ceph OSD(对象存储设备):负责存储数据和元数据。

3、Ceph Manager(管理器):负责管理整个集群,包括添加/删除OSD、调整PG数量等。

4、Ceph Client(客户端):提供统一的API接口,允许用户通过各种协议访问集群中的数据。






sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y librados2 librbd1 librbdclient10 librbdpython3 librbdutil1 librbd1 python3-ceph python3-rados2 python3-rbdcli

2、配置Ceph Monitor节点

接下来,我们需要配置一个Ceph Monitor节点,编辑/etc/ceph/ceph.conf文件,添加以下内容:

fsid = <your_fsid>
mon_initial_members = <hostname_of_monitor_node>:6789,<hostname_of_monitor_node>:6800,<hostname_of_monitor_node>:6801
mon_host = <hostname_of_monitor_node>
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
osd_pool_default_size = 1
osd_pool_default_min_size = 1
osd_pool_default_pg_num = 128
osd_pool_default_pgp_num = 128
osd_pool_max_objects = 536870912000000000


3、初始化Ceph Monitor节点


sudo ceph-deploy new <fsid> --create-keyring --monmap-dir /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph.monmap --config-dir /etc/ceph --public-network <network> --cluster network <network>:6789 --hostpath /var/lib/ceph --setuid ceph-user --setgid ceph-user --cap 'mon allow *' --cap 'osd allow *' --cap 'mds allow *' --cap 'rgw allow *' --admin-daemon <admin_daemon> --mon 'allow profile mgr' --add-mon host=<hostname_of_monitor_node> port=6789 fsid=<your_fsid> auth-cluster-required=cephx keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring service-required=cephx mon initial members=<hostname_of_monitor_node>:6789,<hostname_of_monitor_node>:6800,<hostname_of_monitor_node>:6801' --log-to-file -f /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.out --background &

请将<fsid>替换为之前设置的文件系统ID,<network>替换为网络地址,<admin_daemon>替换为Admin守护进程的主机名或IP地址,保存并关闭文件,这将在后台启动Ceph Monitor进程。




sudo ceph -s


cluster: myfsid (version 14) has 1 pools and 1 PGs up and running on all nodes. health: active+clean
data: avmode set to { mmap, async, block } (currently mmap) with 3 osds on all hosts. reweight interval is 2 minutes, max size of unwritten data is 1TB. usage: pool 0 (type rgw) has used 4.5TiB out of a total capacity of 5TiB; pool default (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool test (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool temp (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool demo (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool users (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool admin (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool replicator (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool journal (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool archive (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool rbd (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool rgw (type rgw) has used 4.5TiB out of a total capacity of 5TiB; pool test2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool temp2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool demo2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool users2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool admin2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool replicator2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool journal2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool archive2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool rbd2 (type osd) has used 39GiB out of a total capacity of 39GiB; pool rgw2 (type rgw) has used 4.5TiB out of a total capacity of 5TiB. metadata versions: cluster version is "14"; object store version is "14"; rbd version is "7". fs id mappings for the following pools exist on the cluster: <poolname> -> <fsid>. the following OSDs are in different health states: <hostname> is not active or up; <hostname> is in unknown state; <hostname> is in degraded state; <hostname> is in rebalancing state; <hostname> is in recovering state; <hostname->state is in standby state; <hostname->state is in inactive state; <hostname->state is in error state; <hostname->state is in offline state; <hostname->state is in down state; <hostname->state is in up state; <hostname->state is in degraded state; <hostname->state is in rebalancing state; <hostname->state is in recovering state; <hostname->state is in standby state与当前状态匹配的元数据版本:metadata versions: cluster version is "14"; object store version是“7”.fs id映射存在以下池中,以便在群集中进行查找:<poolname> -> <fsid>.the following OSDs处于不同的健康状态:<hostname>不是活动或已启用;<hostname>处于未知状态;<hostname>处于降级状态;<hostname>处于重新平衡状态;<hostname>处于恢复状态;<hostname->状态处于备用状态;<hostname->状态处于非活动状态;<hostname->状态处于错误状态;<hostname->状态处于离线状态;<hostname->状态处于下行状态;<hostname->状态处于上线状态


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