function formatNumber(value) { return value.toFixed(2); }
new Vue({ el: 'app', data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' }, filters: { formatNumber: formatNumber } });
<div id="app"> {{ message | formatNumber }} </div>
function formatCurrency(value, currency) { return value + ' ' + currency; }
Vue.filter('capitalize', function (value) { if (!value) return ''; value = value.toString(); return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1); });
function formatDate(value, dayFormat) { var date = new Date(value); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var day = date.getDate(); var hour = date.getHours(); var minute = date.getMinutes(); var second = date.getSeconds(); if (dayFormat === 'short') { return [year, month, day].join('/'); } else if (dayFormat === 'long') { return [year, month, day].join('-'); } else if (dayFormat === 'full') { return [year, month, day].join('年'); } else if (dayFormat === 'custom') { return [hour, minute, second].join('时分秒'); } else if (dayFormat === 'time') { return [year, month, day].join('-'); } else if (dayFormat === 'date') { return [year, month].join('/'); } else if (dayFormat === 'month') { Array.prototype.splice.apply(month, [1, 0].concat(Array.from(["0" + (month < 10 && month >=0)]))); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('-'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e.g. "Jan") and ensure that months are always two digits long for consistency with other parts of the API (e.g. "01" instead of "1") when using this filter in conjunction with theformatDate
method or any other methods that use the standard date/time formats provided by the browser's nativeDate
object.return [year, month].join('/'); // zero pad single digit months in the browser's date string output (e