C 中iostringstream类怎么使用



C  中iostringstream类怎么使用


include <sstream>
include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::istringstream iss("123 456"); // 初始化一个istringstream对象,内容为"123 456"
    return 0;



include <sstream>
include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::istringstream iss("Hello, World!");
    char ch;
    while (iss >> ch) { // 当读取成功时,循环继续执行
        std::cout << ch << std::endl; // 打印读取到的字符
    return 0;


C  中iostringstream类怎么使用


include <sstream>
include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::istringstream iss("123 456 789.0");
    int a, b;
    float c;
    iss >> a >> b >> c; // 读取三个整数和一个浮点数
    std::cout << "a: " << a << ", b: " << b << ", c: " << c << std::endl; // 输出结果
    return 0;



include <sstream>
include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::istringstream iss("123 456");
    int a, b;
    iss >> a >> b; // 读取两个整数,忽略空格
    std::cout << "a: " << a << ", b: " << b << std::endl; // 输出结果
    return 0;


C  中iostringstream类怎么使用


include <sstream>
include <iostream>
include <string>
int main() {
    std::istringstream iss("Hello, World!");
    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(iss, line)) { // 当读取成功时,循环继续执行
        std::cout << line << std::endl; // 打印读取到的整行字符串
    return 0;



include <sstream>
include <iostream>
include <string>
include <iomanip> // for setw and setfill functions
include <cmath> // for abs function
include <limits> // for numeric_limits function
include <algorithm> // for min function and transform function from algorithm header file. For example, to find the minimum of two integers. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the minimum of two long long integers. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the minimum of two float numbers. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the minimum of two double numbers. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the minimum of two char numbers. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to find the maximum of two integers. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the maximum of two long long integers. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the maximum of two float numbers. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the maximum of two double numbers. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the maximum of two char numbers. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to find the absolute value of an integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the absolute value of a long long integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the absolute value of a float number. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the absolute value of a double number. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the absolute value of a char number. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to find the square root of an integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the square root of a long long integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the square root of a float number. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the square root of a double number. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the square root of a char number. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base e (Euler's number) of an integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base e (Euler's number) of a long long integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base e (Euler's number) of a float number. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base e (Euler's number) of a double number. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base e (Euler'1 number) of a char number. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base 10 (base ten) of an integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base 10 (base ten) of a long long integer number. Replace int with long long or any other data type if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base 10 (base ten) of a float number. Replace int with float or double if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base 10 (base ten) of a double number. Replace int with double if needed. For example, to find the logarithm base 10 (base ten) of a char number. Replace int with char if needed. For example, to convert an integer number to binary format (base two).


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