

NFS(Network File System,网络文件系统)是一种基于TCP/IP协议的分布式文件系统,允许计算机之间共享文件和目录,在Linux下搭建NFS服务器,可以方便地实现文件共享,提高工作效率,本文将介绍在Linux下搭建NFS服务器的详细步骤和技巧。




sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server



/path/to/shared_directory client_IP(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)




/home/shared *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check),sync,no_subtree_check)



sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server



sudo showmount -e





Description=NFS Server (NFSD) service for NFS mounts and exports of files and directories from the NFS server to clients. After a system reboot or if the NFS server is shut down manually using the umount' command (or killproc' in some cases), this service will automatically start up and mount NFS exports again. To stop the service use the systemctl stop nfs-server' command. This service uses the rpcbind' program as well as the nfslock' program (which is not installed by default). These programs must be running on the same system as the NFS server before the service can be used. The rpcbind' program may need to be started manually if it is not running yet. It should be stopped with the rpcbind --stop' command if it needs to be stopped for any reason. The nfslock' program should be started automatically when this service starts up and stopped automatically when this service stops. The rpcinfo' command can be used to check that these programs are running properly. The log file for this service is stored in the /var/log/syslog' file or in the /var/log/messages' file depending on your Linux distribution. If you want to change where the log file is stored you can add a 'LogFile=foobar' option to the unit file (where foobar is a path to a directory where you want to store the log file). You can also use the '' option to have this service run after all other services have been started (but before any services that depend on it have been started). For more information about how to configure this service refer to the man page of the systemd-systemd-generator-nfcsa' command. The man page contains a full description of all options supported by this service and their possible values. If you do not want to enable automounting of NFS exports at boot time then use the 'NoAutoMount' option instead of 'AutoMount' (default). See "man systemd-daemon" for more information about systemd units. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the '--enable <export> --disable <export>' options of the 'systemd-daemon' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemd-daemon' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command。 In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemctl stop nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemctl' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemctl' command. In addition to enabling and disabling automounting of NFS exports at boot time this service also supports starting and stopping individual NFS exports using the 'systemctl start nfs-server --enable <export>' and 'systemkit start nfs-server --disable <export>' commands of the 'systemd-daemon' command line tool. For more information about these options refer to the man page of the systemd-daemon' command. In addition to


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