Red Hat上的Nagios安装配置

Red Hat上的Nagios安装配置


Nagios是一款开源的监控工具,用于监控网络、服务器和应用程序的可用性,它可以发现并修复在基础架构中检测到的问题,从而帮助您确保关键任务的高可用性,Nagios最初是由Trent Mick是一个IT专业人员在基于Unix的系统上开发的,后来成为了一个独立的公司,并发展成一个跨平台的解决方案,Red Hat作为一款流行的Linux发行版,也可以使用Nagios进行监控。

Red Hat上的Nagios安装配置


1、确保您的Red Hat系统已经更新到最新版本,可以使用以下命令进行更新:


sudo yum update


2、安装EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)仓库,以便获取Nagios所需的依赖包:


sudo yum install epel-release


3、安装Nagios Core:


sudo yum install nagios-core




sudo systemctl start nagios

sudo systemctl enable nagios


Red Hat上的Nagios安装配置



sudo groupadd nagcmd

sudo useradd --system --gid nagcmd --home-dir /usr/local/nagios --shell /bin/false nagios




sudo cp -R /usr/local/nagios/* /usr/local/nagios/nagios_user/




sudo passwd nagios




sudo usermod -aG nagcmd nagios


Red Hat上的Nagios安装配置



su nagios





vi $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/nagios.cfg




define host{

use generic-service;

host_name; 要监控的主机名或IP地址

alias example-host; 为主机设置别名(可选)

address; 要监控的主机IP地址(必填)

} end of host definition block (optional) noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-do not remove this line or the related comment --> noqa E501 W395 <!-donotremovethislineortherelatedcomment--> END OF NAGIOS.CF$VGHOSTS$VHOSTDEFS$HDEFS$GLOBALDEFS$RESOURCEDEFS$OBJECTDEFS$SERVICEDEFS$CONTACTGROUPDEFS$HOSTCLASSDEFS$SCHEDULEDEFS$NOTIFICATIONS$LOGFILES$CONFIGFILE$ARGUMENTS } END OF nagios.cfg file **************************** [Related Question] **************************** "


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