centos boot分区扩容





centos boot分区扩容








centos boot分区扩容




我们可以使用yum clean all命令清理系统中的缓存文件,然后手动删除/boot分区中的一些不再需要的文件,具体操作如下:


sudo yum clean all


sudo find /boot -type f -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} \;
sudo find /boot -type f -name '*.old' -exec rm -f {} \;
sudo find /boot -type f -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} \;
sudo find /boot -type f -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} \;



centos boot分区扩容


sudo yum install gparted





sudo mkdir /tmp/new_boot_partition


sudo rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /usr/lib/systemd/system /tmp/new_boot_partition/usr/lib/systemd/system || sudo rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /usr/sbin/* /tmp/new_boot_partition/usr/sbin || sudo rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} {,.[!.]*} /* /tmp/new_boot_partition || exit 1; sudo chmod a+rwx new_boot_partition && sudo chmod a+x new_boot_partition/* && sudo sync && sudo reboot -f; echo "Please remove the old boot partition and mount the new one as '/boot'." && exit; sudo umount -l new_boot_partition && sudo umount new_boot_partition && sudo mount --bind /dev new_boot_partition && sudo mount --make-rslave new_boot_partition && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-journald.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-logind.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-random-seed.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-fsck@repair.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-modules-load.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-udev@autodetect.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd@systemd-timesyncd.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-journald.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-logind.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-timesyncd.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-networkd.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-resolved.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-random-seed.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-fsck@repair.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-modules-load.service && sudo chroot new_boot_partition systemctl start systemd-udev@autodetect.service && sudo umount --force new_boot_partition || exit 1; echo "The installation of the kernel failed!" && exit; echo "Please try again later or contact the administrator for assistance." | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been canceled!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been postponed!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to technical reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to maintenance work!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to other reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to unknown reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to network problems!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to hardware problems!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to software problems!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to security issues!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to legal reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to environmental reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to financial reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to political reasons!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to human error!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to other reasons not specified here!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to reasons not specified here!" | tee --append=~/installkernellogfile.txt; exit; echo "The installation of the kernel has been delayed due to


上一篇 2024年1月11日 01:52
下一篇 2024年1月11日 01:54



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