wget -O install.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh && sh install.sh
1、申请SSL证书:你可以选择购买第三方SSL证书,或者使用Let's Encrypt免费申请证书,这里以Let's Encrypt为例,首先安装Certbot客户端:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install software-properties-common wget curl ca-certificates lsb-release curl -fsSL https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.txt | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lets-encrypt.list sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.bintray.com/linuxbrew/mirror/apt /" sudo wget -qOhttps://dl.bintray.com/linuxbrew/mirror/apt/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update && sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
server { listen 80; server_name _; }
server { listen 80; server_name _; return 444; SSL certificate required but not yet received; do not redirect to HTTPS port as it would be a loop! Instead send the user back to the HTTP port with an error message and an appropriate error code. If you are using a non-standard port or protocol please specify it in the 'listen' directive above and leave the 'return' line empty! Return code of '444' indicates that the requested URL does not have an SSL certificate (but that's okay). This is not an error! In fact if this is your first time visiting this site we will automatically redirect you to HTTPS for security reasons. Once you have added an SSL certificate we will redirect you back to the HTTP port for further instructions. You can read more about how to configure Nginx for SSL here: https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/ssl/fullchainexamples/index.html?id=196configure-nginx-for-ssl-with-a-selfsigned-certificate. If you need help configuring Nginx for SSL please ask your system administrator! If you are looking for a place to obtain an SSL certificate please visit https://letsencrypt.org and follow their instructions on how to get a free SSL certificate for your domain name! Or contact your hosting provider to request one! Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has received an order from your browser to switch to HTTPS mode but has not yet received the SSL certificate from your Certificate Authority (CA). Please try again later or contact your hoster for assistance. Error code '444' means that your web server has收到了来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'444'表示您的Web服务器已收到来自您的浏览器的订单以切换到HTTPS模式,但尚未收到来自您的证书颁发机构(CA)的SSL证书,请稍后再试或联系您的主机提供商获取帮助!错误代码'44