rocky linux怎么样

Rocky Linux是一个社区化的企业级操作系统,由Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation开发。它的设计是与美国顶级企业 Linux 发行版实现100% Bug级兼容。 ,,根据最新的统计数据,Rocky Linux的用户量在过去几个月中出现了大幅增长,超过了AlmaLinux、CentOS Stream和RHEL。

Rocky Linux服务器安装配置Moodle教程(rocky linux 安装)

Moodle是一个开源的在线教育平台,它可以帮助教师创建课程、发布作业、评分学生作业等,在本教程中,我们将介绍如何在Rocky Linux服务器上安装和配置Moodle。

rocky linux怎么样


1、确保你的Rocky Linux服务器已经安装了Linux操作系统,并且已经配置好了网络、防火墙等相关设置。


sudo dnf update -y


sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo dnf install wget unzip tar zip git curl php php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-xml php-bcmath php-mbstring php-soap php-pear php-xmlrpc php-intl php-fpm php-devel php-mcrypt php-apcu php-redis php-memcached php-fileinfo php-json php-tokenizer php-pdo php-pgsql php-ssh2 sqlite3



rocky linux怎么样

2、将下载好的Moodle压缩包上传到你的Rocky Linux服务器上,例如上传到/tmp目录下,执行以下命令:

sudo mv /tmp/MOODLE_64bit_VERSION_MAJOR_MINOR_RELEASE_DATE.tar.gz /opt/moodle/


cd /opt/moodle/MOODLE_64bit_VERSION_MAJOR_MINOR_RELEASE_DATE/extracted/build/apache2/htdocs/mod/moodle/data/db/versions.php


define('DB_NAME', 'moodle');     // Moodle database name (required)
define('DB_USER', 'moodleuser'); // Moodle database user (required)
define('DB_PASSWD', '********'); // Moodle database password (required)
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');   // MySQL database host (optional)
define('DB_PORT', '3306');        // MySQL database port (optional)


rocky linux怎么样

sudo moodle db init --all --demodata=false --roleid="1" --lang="en" --adminpass="yourpassword" --allowadmin="nobody" --forceweblogin="yes" --enablebadges="yes" --enablecompletion="yes" --courseformat="site" --enablecalendar="yes" --enablecomments="yes" --enablebadges="yes" --enableoffline="yes" --enablefilters="yes" --enablemediaplayer="yes" --enableblog="yes" --enableportfolio="yes" --enabletags="yes" --enablecompletion="yes" --enableresource="yes" --enablebookmarks="yes" --enablescorm="no" --enableqanda="yes" --enablewebservices="yes" --version=202201010000 --cleanupoldtemptables "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" "true";


sudo systemctl start apache2 httpd php7.4-fpm
sudo systemctl enable apache2 httpd php7.4-fpm



$CFG->wwwroot = '/opt/moodle/MOODLE_64bit_VERSION_MAJOR_MINOR_RELEASE_DATE/htdocs';


// Set debugging level to show all SQL queries and other information in the log file. The default is false which means no debug messages will be shown. Set to true to show as much info as possible. This can slow down your site significantly! Change this value only if you know what you are doing! Note that this is a security risk! Use it only for development purposes and never on a live site! You can also set this value in config.php by adding or changing the $CFG->debug parameter. Default is false. Example: define('DEBUG', true); If you want to change this setting after installation, please go to admin/settings.php and look for the Site administration settings -> Site access settings -> Debugging section. Then enter your new debug level there and save the changes. See also and for more information about logging and debugging in Moodle. Make sure that you understand the implications of setting this to true before doing so! You may see lots of SQL queries in your Apache error log which could reveal sensitive information about your database! Be careful! If you are not sure whether your site is secure or not, leave this setting at its default value of false! If you want to see more detailed logs, consider using the web server's error log instead of the Apache error log! For example, you can use the following command to view PHP errors in your browser: http://yourservername/errorlog?level=PHPError &cmd=displayerrormsg&errno=* Errors from PHP errors should not be visible in plain text but they will be displayed in the browser if you use this method! Also note that this method does not provide any protection against XSS attacks! It is still recommended to use the built-in XSS protection provided by Moodle! Finally, make sure that your server is configured to send correct headers for HTML content! Otherwise, some browsers may display unexpected content or errors! For example, you can use the following command to view your server's response headers: curl http://yourservername && grep Date: | head -n 1 Response headers may vary depending on your web server configuration! For example, if you are using an Nginx web server, you can use the following command to view your server's response headers: curl http://yourservername && grep Date: | head -n 1 Response headers may vary depending on your web server configuration! For example, if you are using an Nginx web server, you can use the following command to view your server's response headers: curl http://yourservername && grep Date: | head -n 1 If you want to change these settings after installation, please go to admin/settings.php and look for the Site administration settings -> Site access settings -> Debugging section. Then enter your new debug level there and save the changes. See also and for more information about logging and debugging in Moodle. Make sure that you understand the implications of setting this to true before doing so! You may see lots of SQL queries in your Apache error log which could reveal sensitive information about your database! Be careful! If you are not sure whether your site is secure or not, leave this setting at its default value of false! If you want to see more detailed logs, consider using the web server's error log instead of the Apache error log! For example, you can use the following command to view PHP errors in your browser: http://yourservername/errorlog?level=PHPError &cmd=displayerrormsg&errno=* Errors from PHP errors should not be visible in plain text but they will be displayed in the browser if you use this method! Also note that this method


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