NSQ(Named Squared Rabbit)是一个开源的分布式消息队列系统,它采用了发布/订阅模式,让多个应用程序可以相互通信,本文将详细介绍如何分析NSQ消息队列,包括安装、配置、使用和性能分析等方面。
1. 下载NSQ源码
2. 编译安装
make install
3. 配置NSQD
- `listeners`:指定NSQD监听的地址和端口,格式为`[address]:[port]`,多个地址用逗号分隔。
- `lookupd_http_address`:指定lookupd的HTTP地址。
- `max_in_flight_messages`:指定每个NSQD允许的最大未确认消息数。
- `max_pub_msg_size`:指定单个发布消息的最大大小。
- `max_chan_msg_size`:指定单个频道消息的最大大小。
- `log_level`:指定日志级别。
listeners = [""]
1. 发布消息
import nsqadmin import uuid def publish_message(): nsq = nsqadmin.Reader() topic = "test_topic" message = "Hello, NSQ!" + str(uuid.uuid4()) nsq.publish(topic, message) nsq.close()
2. 订阅消息
import nsqadmin
import sys
import json
from nsq import Reader, MessageHandler, connection
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer, endpoints, tasklet, timeout
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone, ConnectionRefusedError, TCPTimedOutError, TCPClientTransportError, TCPServerFactory, ClientConnectionFailedError, ConnectionResetError, ProtocolDisconnected, ConnectionLost, ReactorNotRestartable, TimeoutError, OSError as EOSError, error as EError, Failure as EFailure, StopIteration as EStopIteration, CancelledError as ECancelledError, Exception as EException, SystemExit as ESystemExit, _reactor as RxLoopbackGen, _ssl as SSLContextType, _interfaces as Interfaces, _tls as TlsCtxFactory, _socket as SockCtxFactory, _logging as LogLevels, _utils as Utils, _protocol as ProtocolTypes, _codec as Codecs, _message as MessageTypes, _constants as Constants, _config as ConfigManager, _options as OptionsManager, _transport as TransportTypes, _queue as QueueTypes, _topic as TopicTypes, _consumer as ConsumerTypes, _producer as ProducerTypes, _metrics as MetricsManager, _statsd as StatsdClientManager, _pubsub as PubSubClientManager, _util as UtilManager, _parser as ParserManager, _encoder as EncoderManager, _decoder as DecoderManager, _random as RandomGen
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPoolExecutorFromThreadPool
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import provider
from zope.interface import validateNotImplementedException
from zope.interface import verifyObjectIsInitialized
from zope.interface import verifyValidImplementationsForInterface
from zope.interface import classImplementerFromSpec
from zope.interface import classImplementerByPrefixPatternDictLookupStrategyForInstancesOfClassBasedMultiImplementationMixIn649668696669387969666938796966693879696669387969666938796966693879696669387969666938796966693879696669387969666938796966693879696669387969653020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502015020150201502E' # noqa: E501 is not a valid IP literal in Python 3 and may cause issues later on when parsing the IP address from the message ID in the topic header (see -io/nsq/issues/474 for more details)."${topic}.message") + "
", flags=methodcaller.USE_FUTURE)
nsqadmin = nsqadmin.Reader()
topic = "test_topic"
message = nsqadmin.get_message(topic)["body"].decode("utf-8") # noqa: E501Easier to use string here than to try to parse the bytes back into a string with decode(). This will also work if you are using a JSON library that can automatically parse the byte data into a string (like ujson or simplejson)."${topic}.message") + "
", flags=methodcaller.USE_FUTURE) # noqa: E501This is just an example of how to publish and subscribe messages using the command line tool. You can also use the `nsqadmin` Python library to do this programmatically. For more information on how to use the command line tool and the Python library see the official documentation at -streaming-server/current/index.html#the-command-line-tool and -io/nsq#readme respectively.