sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl git
git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git ~/.pyenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
pyenv install --list
pyenv install 3.7.4
pyenv versions
设置全局Python版本为3.7.4(或你刚刚安装的版本) pyenv global 3.7.4 设置默认Python版本为3.7.4(或你刚刚安装的版本) pyenv local 3.7.4
pip install virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.4 myproject
cd myproject && pyenv local 3.7.4 && source bin/activate Linux/macOS cd myproject && pyenv local 3.7.4 && activate Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS)
卸载Python版本(例如3.7.4) pyenv uninstall 3.7.4
卸载虚拟环境(例如myproject) cd myproject && pyenv deactivate && pyenv uninstall myproject && rm -rf bin/activate bin/deactivate share/virtualenv share/python-virtualenv Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/bin/activate /path/to/myproject/bin/deactivate /path/to/myproject/share/virtualenv /path/to/myproject/share/python-virtualenv /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin/activate and bin/deactivate for Windows (CMD) or PowerShell (PS) if you don't use them anymore. rm -rf is optional, but recommended to clean up the virtual environment directory completely. rm -rf will not affect your system Python installations or other virtual environments created by pyenv virtualenv. It only removes the files in the current virtual environment directory that was created by pyenv virtualenv and pyenv deactivate commands. If you want to remove the entire virtual environment directory, including all its contents, use rm -rf with the full path of the directory, like this: rm -rf /path/to/myproject/* Linux/macOS, remove bin