SELECT tablespace_name, round((1 free_space / total_space) * 100, 2) || '%' used_percent, free_space, total_space FROM dba_temp_files;
SELECT segment_name, blocks * block_size / 1024 / 1024 size_mb, tablespace_name FROM dba_segments WHERE segment_type = 'TEMPORARY';
SELECT tablespace_name, iot + pio as read_io, (iot + pio + lob_read_io + lob_write_io) as write_io, (lob_read_io + lob_write_io) as lob_io, num_open_files, num_phys_files, avg_open_files, avg_phys_files, pct_increase, contention_pct, avg_wait_time, avg_pio_latency, avg_buffer_gets, avg_disk_reads, avg_disk_writes, avg_direct_reads, avg_direct_writes, avg_file_system_reads, avg_file_system_writes, avg_logical_reads, avg_logical_writes, avg_physical_reads, avg_physical_writes, avg_sessions, avg_processes, avg_connections, avg_transactions, avg_consistent_gets, avg_selects, avg_inserts, avg_updates, avg_deletes, avg_conflicts, avg_nowait, avg_deadlocks, avg_timeouts, avg_rows_fetched, avg_rows_inserted, avg_rows_updated, avg_rows_deleted, max_sessions, max_processes, max_connections, max_transactions, max_consistent_gets, max_selects, max_inserts, max_updates, max_deletes, max_conflicts, max_nowait, max_deadlocks, max_timeouts, max_rows_fetched, max_rows_inserted, max_rows_updated, max_rows_deleted, last_analyzed, timedoutops, timedoutsessions, timedouttransactions, timedoutsqltext, deadlocks, physicalreadtotalbytes + physicalwritetotalbytes as physicaliototalbytes, physicalreadtotalbytes + physicalwritetotalbytes + logicalreadtotalbytes + logicalwritetotalbytes as totaliototalbytes, physicalreadtotalbytes + physicalwritetotalbytes + logicalreadtotalbytes + logicalwritetotalbytes / (1024 * 1024) as totaliombtotalbytes, physicalreadtotalpages + physicalwritetotalpages as physicaliopagestotalbytes, physicalreadtotalpages + physicalwritetotalpages + logicalreadtotalpages + logicalwritetotalpages as totaliopagestotalbytes, physicalreadtotalpages + physicalwritetotalpages + logicalreadtotalpages + logicalwritetotalpages / (1024 * pagesize) as totaliopagesmbtotalbytes, buffergets + buffergetmisses as buffergetstotalcount, directreadblockcount + directwriteblockcount as directblockcounttotalbytes, directreadblockcount + directwriteblockcount / (1024 * blocksize) as directblockcountmbtotalbytes, directreadpagecount + directwritepagecount as directpagecounttotalbytes, directreadpagecount + directwritepagecount / (1024 * pagesize) as directpagecountmbtotalbytes, filesystemreadtotalbytes + filesystemwritetotalbytes as filesystemiototalbytes, filesystemreadtotalbytes + filesystemwritetotalbytes / (1024 * 1024) as filesystemiombtotalbytes, filesystemreadtotalpages + filesystemwritetotalpages as filesystemiopagestotalbytes, filesystemreadtotalpages + filesystemwritetotalpages / (1024 * pagesize) as filesystemiopagesmbtotalbytes, inmemorysortops as inmemorysortopscount, inmemorysortops / (1024 * blocksize) as inmemorysortopsmbcount, inmemorysortops / (1024 * blocksize * numbufferpools) as inmemorysortopsperbufferpoolmbcount, -numbufferpools is the number of buffer pool instances in the database instance. max(inmemorysortopsperbufferpoolmbcount) gives the maximum in-memory sorting operations per buffer pool instance. -this is useful for tuning the number of buffer pool instances. -also see "dbms.shared pool.get" for more information on buffer pool instances. -note that this column is only available from version RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more information. -note that this column is not available from version before RAC and later. -see "In-Memory Optimization" in the DBA Guide for more信息。