CREATE PROCEDURE generate_insert_statements @table_name NVARCHAR(128) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @column_names NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @insert_statement NVARCHAR(MAX); -获取表的列名 SELECT @column_names = COALESCE(@column_names + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(c.COLUMN_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c WHERE c.TABLE_NAME = @table_name ORDER BY c.ORDINAL_POSITION; -生成INSERT语句 SET @insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO ' + QUOTENAME(@table_name) + ' (' + @column_names + ') VALUES ('; SET @insert_statement = @insert_statement + REPLACE(@column_names, ', ', ', ('); SET @insert_statement = @insert_statement + ')'; -输出INSERT语句 SELECT @insert_statement AS [INSERT Statement]; END;
EXEC generate_insert_statements N'your_table_name';
INSERT INTO your_table_name (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3);
CREATE PROCEDURE generate_insert_statements_enhanced @table_name NVARCHAR(128) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @column_names NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @insert_statement NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @pk_column_name NVARCHAR(128); DECLARE @value NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @multiple_value_columns NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @multiple_value_count INT; DECLARE @multiple_value_index INT; DECLARE @multiple_value_separator NVARCHAR(1); DECLARE @multiple_value_values NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @multiple_value_placeholders NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @pk_column_position INT; DECLARE @current_column_position INT; DECLARE cur CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY FOR SQL LITE FOR UNBUFFERED FAST_FORWARD; DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @primary_key_constraint NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @is_multiple_valued BIT; DECLARE @is_identity BIT; DECLARE @default_value NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @column_ordinal_position INT; DECLARE @column_type NVARCHAR(128); DECLARE @column_name NVARCHAR(128); DECLARE @column_precision INT; DECLARE @column_scale INT; DECLARE @column_is_nullable BIT; DECLARE @column_collation NVARCHAR(128); DECLARE @column_is_computed BIT; DECLARE @column_is_generated BIT; DECLARE @column_is_identity BIT; DECLARE @column_is_rowguidcol BIT; DECLARE @column_is_allowdbnull BIT; DECLARE @column_isupdateable BIT; DECLARE @column_isreplicated BIT; DECLARE @column_isfreezed BIT; DECLARE @column_isreadonly BIT; DECLARE @column_isfilestream BIT; DECLARE @column_xmldocument BIT; DECLARE @column_isuniqueidentifiercol BIT; DECLARE @column_isallowbinaryoleobjectcol BIT; DECLARE @column_defaultobjectidcol BIT; DECLARE @column_defaultobjectidrangemin BIGINT; -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the minimum range value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in thecode. Only the maximum range value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the precision value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the scale value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the nullability value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the collation value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the computed value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in thecode. Only the generated value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the identity value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the rowguidcol value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the allowdbnull value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the updateable value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the replicated value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the frozen value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the readonly value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the filestream value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the xmldocument value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the uniqueidentifiercol value is needed. -Added for SQL Server compatibility with default values of type IDENTITY or SEQUENCE. The actual data type is not used in the code. Only the allowbinaryoleobjectcol value