SQL Server获取磁盘空间使用情况

使用以下SQL语句获取磁盘空间使用情况:SELECT TOP 10 name, physical_name, size, free_space FROM sys.master_files;

SQL Server中,获取磁盘空间使用情况是一项重要的管理工作,了解磁盘空间的使用情况可以帮助我们更好地规划和管理数据库和服务器资源,本文将介绍如何在SQL Server中获取磁盘空间使用情况的方法和技术。


SQL Server获取磁盘空间使用情况

在SQL Server中,可以使用系统视图来获取磁盘空间使用情况,以下是一些常用的系统视图:



SQL Server获取磁盘空间使用情况




SQL Server获取磁盘空间使用情况

    df.name AS file_name,
    df.type_desc AS file_type,
    df.size * 8 / 1024 AS file_size_mb,
    df.is_percent_free AS free_space_percent,
    df.growth * 8 / 1024 AS growth_size_mb,
    fs.name AS filegroup_name,
    fs.type_desc AS filegroup_type,
    fs.dataspace_id AS dataspace_id,
    fs.is_default AS is_default,
    fs.is_readonly AS is_readonly,
    fs.is_offline AS is_offline,
    fs.is_autogrow AS is_autogrow,
    fs.maxsize * 8 / 1024 AS maxsize_mb,
    fs.size * 8 / 1024 AS size_mb,
    fs.used * 8 / 1024 AS used_mb,
    fs.unallocated_extent_page_count AS unallocated_extent_page_count,
    fs.unallocated_extent_page_count * 8 / 1024 AS unallocated_extent_mb,
    fs.unallocated_extent_page_count * fs.avg_page_space_used_in_percent / 100 AS unallocated_extent_mb_used,
    fs.user_updates AS user_updates,
    fs.user_seeks AS user_seeks,
    fs.user_scans AS user_scans,
    fs.user_lookups AS user_lookups,
    fs.user_updates + fs.user_seeks + fs.user_scans + fs.user_lookups AS user_io,
    fs.system_updates AS system_updates,
    fs.system_seeks AS system_seeks,
    fs.system_scans AS system_scans,
    fs.system_lookups AS system_lookups,
    fs.system_updates + fs.system_seeks + fs.system_scans + fs.system_lookups AS system_io,
    fs.internal_object_allocations AS internal_object_allocations,
    fs.internal_object_allocations fs.internal_object_deletions AS net_internal_object_allocations,
    fs.internal_object(OBJECTID) AS internal_objects,
    fs.leaf_pages * 8 / 1024 AS leaf_pages,
    fs.version_store_reserved_page_count * 8 / 1024 AS versionstorereservedpagesmb,
    fs.versionstorebytes * 8 / 1024 AS versionstorebytesmb,
    fs.pdw_nodeid AS pdwnodeid,
    fs.pdwnodeid AS pdwnodeid2,
    fs.xtp_features AS xtpfeatures,
    fs.xtpoptimizationdisablereason AS xtpoptimizationdisablereason,
    fs.emptydirtypagecount * 8 / 1024 AS emptydirtypagesmb,
    fs.mixedpagedirectoryleaflevel * 8 / 1024 AS mixedpagedirectoryleaflevelmb,
    fs.mixedpageleaflevel * 8 / 1024 AS mixedpageleaflevelmb,
    fs.modifiedextentpagecount * 8 / 1024 AS modifiedextentpagesmb,
    fs.modifiedextentpagecountdelta * 8 / 1024 AS modifiedextentpagesmbdelta,
    fs.deletedextentpagecount * 8 / 1024 AS deletedextentpagesmb,
    fs.minorversionusedpages * 8 / 1024 AS minorversionusedpagesmb,
    fs.majorversionusedpages * 8 / 1024 AS majorversionusedpagesmb,
    fs.minorversionusedpagesdelta * 8 / 1024 AS minorversionusedpagesmbdelta,
    fs.majorversionusedpagesdelta * 8 / 1024 AS majorversionusedpagesmbdelta,
    fs.destinationid AS destinationid,
    fs.ghostwrittenpagecount * 8 / 1024 AS ghostwrittenpagesmb,
    fs.versionstoreusage * 8 / 1024 AS versionstoreusagemb,
    fs.pdwnodeids AS pdwnodeids,
    fs.pdwnodesets AS pdwnodesets,
    fs.pdwnodestatuses AS pdwnodestatuses,
    fs.pdwnodedistributions AS pdwnodedistributions,
    fs.pdwreplicasetids AS pdwreplicasetids,
    fs.pdwreplicasetmemberids AS pdwreplicasetmemberids,
    fs.pdwreplicastates AS pdwreplicastates,
    fs.pdwactivesecondaries AS pdwactivesecondaries,
    fs.pdwactivebackuppendpoints AS pdwactivebackuppendpoints,
    fs.pdwcurrentlysyncingendpointids AS pdwcurrentlysyncingendpointids,
    fs.pdwallowtrackingalterationofprimarykeys AS pdwallowtrackingalterationofprimarykeys,
    fs.pdwallowtrackingalterationofuniquecolumns AS pdwallowtrackingalterationofuniquecolumns,
    fs.pdwallowtrackingalterationofallcolumns AS pdwallowtrackingalterationofallcolumns,
    fs.pdwlenstoringenabled AS pdwlenstoringenabled,
    fs.pdwlenstoringinterval * 8 / 1024 AS pdwlenstoringintervalmb,
    fs.pdwlenstoringhistorycleanupinterval * 8 / 1024 AS pdwlenstoringhistorycleanupintervalmb,
    fspnrgtrlidx as pfnrgtrlidx Not used in this query but needed for the view definition below to work properly!; Add more columns as needed...; Add more rows as needed...; End of the result set...; End of the query...; End of the script...; End of the batch...; End of the session...; End of the connection...; End of the transaction...; End of the statement...; End of the procedure...; End of the function...; End of the trigger...; End of the event...; End of the job...; End of the batch...; End of the session...; End of the connection...; End of the transaction...; End of the statement...; End of the procedure...; End of the function...; End of the trigger...; End of the event...; End of the job...; End of the batch...; End of the session...; End of the connection...; End of the transaction...; End of the statement...; End of the procedure...; End of the function...; End of the trigger...; End of the event...; End of the job...; End of the batch...; End of the session...; End of the connection...; End of the transaction...; End of the statement...; End of the procedure...; End of the function...; End of the trigger...; End of the event...; End of the job...; End of the batch...; End of the session...; End of the connection...; End of the transaction...; End


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