
卸载MySQL:yum remove mysql-server mysql-client mysql-devel;安装MySQL:yum install mysql-server



在 CentOS 7 上卸载 MySQL,可以使用以下步骤:

1、停止 MySQL 服务

需要停止正在运行的 MySQL 服务,可以使用以下命令停止 MySQL:


sudo systemctl stop mysqld



2、移除 MySQL 软件包

使用 yum 命令来卸载 MySQL,以下是具体的命令:


sudo yum remove mysql mysqlserver



3、删除 MySQL 配置文件和数据目录

默认情况下,MySQL 的数据目录位于 /var/lib/mysql,配置文件位于 /etc/my.cnf,你可以使用以下命令删除这些文件和目录:


sudo rm rf /var/lib/mysql/*

sudo rm /etc/my.cnf


4、删除 MySQL 用户和组

如果你在安装过程中创建了 MySQL 用户和组,现在可以删除它们:


sudo userdel r mysql

sudo groupdel mysql


5、清理 YUM 缓存

使用以下命令清理 YUM 的缓存:


sudo yum clean all


以上步骤完成后,MySQL 应该已经完全从你的 CentOS 7 系统中卸载,你可以通过运行 mysql version 命令来确认这一点,如果返回 "command not found",那么说明已经成功卸载。


在 CentOS 7 上安装 MySQL,可以使用以下步骤:

1、添加 MySQL Yum Repository

你需要添加 MySQL Yum repository,以下是具体的命令:


wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql80communityreleaseel73.noarch.rpm

sudo yum localinstall mysql80communityreleaseel73.noarch.rpm


2、安装 MySQL Community Server

接下来,你可以安装 MySQL Community Server,以下是具体的命令:


sudo yum install mysqlcommunityserver



安装完成后,你可以使用以下命令启动 MySQL:


sudo systemctl start mysqld




sudo systemctl enable mysqld


你也可以检查 MySQL 是否正在运行:


sudo systemctl status mysqld


如果显示 "active (running)",那么说明 MySQL 正在运行。


在第一次启动 MySQL 时,它会生成一个临时密码,你可以使用以下命令获取这个临时密码:


sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log | tail 1 | cut b65123 # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of MySQL, use: "cut b65123" instead of "cut b64123". If you are running a version of MariaDB that is newer than version 10.1, use: "cut b64123" instead of "cut b65123". The output should look like this: "A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: XXXX". The XXXX is your temporary password. # For newer versions of MariaDB and older versions of


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