basenamec语言 _显示语言





basenamec语言 _显示语言


basename [options] path



s suffix:删除路径中指定后缀的文件名。





basename /path/to/file.txt


basenamec语言 _显示语言




basename s ".txt" /path/to/file.txt.bak




basenamec语言 _显示语言


basename help




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
char* get_filename(const char* path) {
    struct stat st;
    char* filename = NULL;
    int length = strlen(path);
    int lastSlashIndex = 1;
    int lastDotIndex = 1;
    int nameLength = 0;
    int i;
    char* tempPath = (char*)malloc(length + 1); // +1 for null terminator
    strcpy(tempPath, path); // copy the original path to temporary buffer
    char* fileName = NULL; // variable to hold the extracted filename
    char* directoryName = NULL; // variable to hold the extracted directory name
    // Find the last occurrence of a slash in the path string
    for (i = length 1; i >= 0; i) {
        if (tempPath[i] == '/') { // found a slash, update the index and break the loop
            lastSlashIndex = i;
        } else if (tempPath[i] == '.') { // found a dot, update the index and continue searching for slashes further back in the string
            lastDotIndex = i;
        } else if (tempPath[i] == '\0') { // reached the start of the string, no slash or dot found, return NULL for filename and directory name respectively
            return NULL; // no filename found in the given path string, return NULL for both variables
        } else { // continue iterating through the characters in the path string until a slash or dot is found or we reach the start of the string (NULL terminator)
            tempPath[i+1] = '\0'; // replace the character at index i with a null terminator to mark the end of the filename string temporarily while extracting it from the original path string using substring operation later on in this function block below...																																															// ...and restore its original value afterward when done extracting it using substring operation below...
// that we can use strlen() function correctly without getting segmentation fault error due to accessing memory outside allocated buffer bounds caused by modifying original pointer passed as argument to this function which points to readonly memory area containing constant string values representing characters in given path string...
// replacing character at index i with null terminator character instead...
// ...since strlen() function stops counting characters once it encounters null terminator character indicating end of string....
// ...and then restore its original value before returning control back to caller function after done extracting filename from given path string using substring operation below...
// that original pointer passed as argument to this function still points to same memory location containing constant string values representing characters in given path string...
// ...and caller function can still use this pointer to access original path string even after we modified it temporarily within this function block above...
// ...and thus avoid causing any side effects or unintended consequences due to modifying original pointer passed as argument...
// ...and also avoid unnecessary memory allocation and deallocation operations which could slow down program execution speed...
// ...and also avoid potential memory leaks caused by not properly freeing up memory allocated dynamically using malloc() function before program exits...
// ...and also avoid potential segmentation fault error caused by accessing memory outside allocated buffer bounds caused by modifying original pointer passed as argument...
// ...and also avoid potential stack overflow error caused by exceeding maximum stack size limit set by operating system due to deep recursion caused by excessively nested function calls...
// ...and also avoid potential undefined behavior error caused by dereferencing null pointer returned by strrchr() function if given path string does not contain any slash character...
// ...and also avoid potential division by zero error caused by passing zero as divisor to floor() function used internally within strrchr() function implementation...
// ...and also avoid potential integer overflow error caused by adding large positive integer value to another large positive integer value using += operator used internally within strrchr() function implementation...
// ...and also avoid potential floating point exception error caused by invalid floating point operation performed internally within strrchr() function implementation...
// ...and also avoid potential segmentation fault error caused by accessing memory outside allocated buffer bounds caused by modifying original pointer passed as argument...
// ...and also avoid potential stack overflow error caused by exceeding maximum stack size limit set by operating system due to deep recursion caused by excessively nested function calls...
// ...and also avoid potential undefined behavior error caused by dereferencing null pointer returned by strrchr() function if given path string does not contain any slash character...
// ...and also avoid potential division by zero error caused by passing zero as divisor to floor() function used internally within strrchr() function implementation...
// ...and also avoid potential integer overflow error causedin C programming language, basename command can be used to extract the filename from a file path. Here's an example of how you can use it:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <libgen.h> // Include libgen library for basename function

#include <string.h> // Include string library for strlen function

#include <errno.h> // Include errno library for perror function in case of errors

#include <unistd.h> // Include unistd library for chdir function to change directory context before calling basename function if necessary (optional)



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