1. 管道(Pipe)
2. 命名管道(Named Pipe)
3. 信号(Signal)
4. 消息队列(Message Queue)
5. 共享内存(Shared Memory)
6. 信号量(Semaphore)
7. 套接字(Socket)
8. 文件锁(File Lock)
9. 用户空间进程间通信(User Space Proccess Communication)
10. 网络IPC(Network IPC)
11. 本地IPC(Local IPC)
12. FIFO(First In First Out)
13. 消息传递接口(Message Passing Interface)
14. 套接字缓冲区(Socket Buffer)
15. 消息队列服务(Message Queuing Service)
16. NFS(Network File System)
17. Coherent Device Access
18. UNIX域套接字(UNIX Domain Sockets)
19. Sun SPICE(System Performance Information and Control Environment)
20. VMware vMotion API(Virtual Machine Motion API)
21. SSH(Secure Shell)
22. Telnet
23. Rlogin
24. TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
25. HTTP/HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol over HTTP Secure)
26. XML-RPC(Remote Procedure Call via XML-RPC)
27. JSON-RPC(Remote Procedure Call via JSON-RPC)
28. WebDAV(Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
29. RESTful API(Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces)
30. SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)
31. gRPC(Google Remote Procedure Call)
32. GraphQL(Query Language for APIs)
33. Apache Kafka(Distributed Streaming Platform)
34. Apache ZooKeeper(Distributed协调服务)
35. Redis Cluster(Redis High Availability Clustering)
36. Elasticsearch(Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine)
37. RabbitMQ(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol implementation)
38. Apache Storm(Real-time data processing system)
39. Apache Cassandra(NoSQL database management system)
40. Apache Hadoop(Big Data Processing framework)
41. Apache Spark(Scalable cluster computing system)
42. Apache Flink(Streaming and batch processing framework)
43. Apache Hive (Hadoop Interactive Query Environment)
44. Apache Pig (High-level platform for executing MapReduce programs)
45. Apache Mahout (Machine learning library for big data processing)
46. Apache Lucene (Full-featured text search engine library)
47. Apache Solr (Open source enterprise search platform based on Lucene)
48. Apache Lucene Solr (Solr is an open-source search platform based on Lucene).