




1. 使用`&`符号



$ sleep 10 &


2. 使用`nohup`命令


$ nohup sleep 10 &

3. 使用`screen`或`tmux`工具



$ sudo apt-get install screen


$ screen -S session_name


$ command_to_run


按下`Ctrl + A`,然后按下`D`键。



1. 使用`jobs`命令


$ jobs -l

2. 使用`fg`命令将任务调至前台



$ fg %1

3. 使用`bg`命令将任务调至后台继续执行


$ bg %1

4. 使用`kill`命令终止后台任务



$ ps -ef | grep command_to_kill | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'

$ pgrep command_to_kill


$ kill PID_of_the_task



1. 后台任务的输出默认会被保存到名为`nohup.out`的文件中,如果需要将输出重定向到其他文件,可以在命令中使用重定向符号。

$ nohup command_to_run > output.log 2>&1 &

2. 如果需要在后台执行的命令需要输入密码,可以使用`expect`工具自动完成输入。


$ sudo apt-get install expect



#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set timeout 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 # 设置超时时间,单位为秒,可以根据需要调整,timeout的值越大,等待的时间越长,如果超过这个值还没有收到任何输出,脚本将认为超时并退出,spawn passwd myuser # spawn命令用于启动一个进程,passwd表示要运行的命令是修改密码的命令,myuser表示要修改密码的用户,expect "*assword:" { send "mypassword\r" } # expect命令用于判断程序运行的状态,当程序输出的内容符合括号内的条件时,执行大括号内的代码,send命令用于向程序发送输入,expect eof # eof表示“end of file”,当程序结束时,会自动执行eof后面的代码,exit # exit命令用于退出expect环境,interact # interact命令用于恢复交互模式,如果没有这行代码,脚本运行结束后将无法再次输入任何内容,send_user "User password changed successfully!

" # send_user命令用于向用户发送提示信息。# close the connection to the terminal after the script has finished running.trap "exit" INT TERM QUIT HUP # trap命令用于捕捉信号,当接收到指定信号时,执行相应的代码,INT表示中断信号(如Ctrl+C),TERM表示终止信号(如kill),QUIT表示退出信号(如logout),HUP表示挂起信号(如终端关闭),close # close命令用于关闭当前连接。# end of script.exp# save the script and run it with the following command:expect script.exp# you will be prompted for your password, enter it and press Enter.# the script will then run in the background and change the password for the specified user.# when the script is finished, you can use the following command to check its output:cat output.log# if there were any errors, they will be displayed in this file.# if everything went well, you should see a message saying that the password was changed successfully.# you can also use the following command to check the status of the background task:jobs -l# if the task is still running, you can bring it back to the foreground with the following command:fg%1# if you want to stop the task, you can use the following command:kill%1# you can also use the following command to remove the task from the list of background tasks:bgrep -v PID_of_the_task jobs -l# where PID_of_the_task is the process ID of the task you want to remove.# if you want to remove all background tasks, you can use the following command:jobs -l | grep -v PID_of_the_task | xargs kill%1# where PID_of_the_task is the process ID of one of the tasks you want to remove.# if you want to remove all background tasks except for one, you can use the following command:jobs -l | grep -v PID_of_the_task | grep PID_of_the_task | xargs kill%1# where PID_of_the_task is the process ID of one of the tasks you want to keep.# if you want to remove all background tasks and their output files, you can use the following command:rm -f *output*.log# where *output* is a wildcard that matches any output file with a name that contains the word "output".# if you want to remove all background tasks and their output files and logs, you can use the following command:rm -rf *output*.log*# where *output* is a wildcard that matches any output file with a name that contains the word "output", and *output*.log* is a wildcard that matches any log file with a name that contains the word "output" followed by "log".# if you want to remove all background tasks and their output files and logs, as well as any other files that were created by these tasks, you can use the following command:find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*.log*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*.log*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*.log*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*" -exec rm -f {} ; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*.log*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type f -name "*output*.log*" -exec rm -f {} \; find /path/to/your/directory -type


上一篇 2023年11月6日 18:36
下一篇 2023年11月6日 18:40



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