Attributes in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

JavaScript, being a versatile language, allows developers to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) to interact with HTML elements. One of the fundamental ways to access and modify these elements is through their attributes. In this guide, we will explore what attributes are in JavaScript, how to get and set them, and some advanced techniques for handling attributes.
What Are Attributes?
In HTML, attributes provide additional information about an element. They appear in the opening tag of an element and are used to define properties likeid
, etc. For example:
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description" width="200">
, andwidth
are attributes of the<img>
Accessing Attributes
method returns the value of a specified attribute. Here’s how you can use it:

const img = document.querySelector('img'); const src = img.getAttribute('src'); console.log(src); // Output: image.jpg
Using Bracket Notation
You can also access attributes using bracket notation, which is more convenient for dynamic attribute names:
const img = document.querySelector('img'); const src = img['src']; console.log(src); // Output: image.jpg
for Custom Data Attributes
Custom data attributes (data-*) can be accessed using thedataset
property, which provides a convenient API to get and set these values:
<div id="myDiv" data-role="admin" data-active="true"></div>
const myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); console.log(myDiv.dataset.role); // Output: admin console.log(; // Output: true
Modifying Attributes
To set or update an attribute, you can use thesetAttribute()

const img = document.querySelector('img'); img.setAttribute('src', 'new-image.jpg'); console.log(img.getAttribute('src')); // Output: new-image.jpg
Using Bracket Notation
Similarly, you can use bracket notation to modify attributes:
const img = document.querySelector('img'); img['src'] = 'another-image.jpg'; console.log(img['src']); // Output: another-image.jpg
Adding New Attributes
If an attribute does not exist, you can add it using eithersetAttribute()
or bracket notation:
const img = document.querySelector('img'); img.setAttribute('alt', 'New Image'); // or img['alt'] = 'New Image'; console.log(img.getAttribute('alt')); // Output: New Image
Removing Attributes
To remove an attribute, you can use theremoveAttribute()
const img = document.querySelector('img'); img.removeAttribute('alt'); console.log(img.hasAttribute('alt')); // Output: false
Advanced Techniques
Iterating Over Attributes
You can use
loop to iterate over all attributes of an element:
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('id', 'testDiv');
div.setAttribute('class', 'container');
div.setAttribute('data-role', 'user');
for (let attr in div.attributes) {
console.log(${}: ${attr.value}
Handling Boolean Attributes
Some attributes likedisabled
, andreadonly
represent boolean values. To check if an element has a boolean attribute, you can use thehasAttribute()
const input = document.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'); input.setAttribute('checked', ''); console.log(input.hasAttribute('checked')); // Output: true
Default Attributes and Properties
While attributes and properties are closely related, they are not the same. Attributes are part of the HTML markup, while properties are JavaScript objects' characteristics. For instance:
<input type="text" value="Hello">
const input = document.querySelector('input'); console.log(input.value); // Output: Hello (property) console.log(input.getAttribute('value')); // Output: Hello (attribute)
Understanding how to work with attributes in JavaScript is crucial for any developer working with the DOM. Whether you need to read, modify, or remove attributes, the methods discussed in this guide should equip you with the necessary tools to manipulate HTML elements effectively.
Related Questions & Answers
Q1: How do I get all attributes of an element as a key-value pair object?
A1: You can convert theNamedNodeMap
returned byattributes
into an object usingArray.from()
const element = document.querySelector('element-selector'); const attrs = Array.from(element.attributes).reduce((acc, { name, value }) => { acc[name] = value; return acc; }, {}); console.log(attrs);
Q2: Can I use querySelector to select elements based on custom data attributes?
A2: Yes, you can use attribute selectors to target elements with specific data attributes:
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-role="admin"]'); console.log(elements); // Output: NodeList of elements with data-role="admin"
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